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  • 2 Tbsp canola oil
  • 3 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 1 each yellow onion, sliced
  • 2 in. piece ginger, sliced thick
  • 2 cups long squash, diced large
  • 1 Japanese eggplant, sliced thick
  • 1 bunch long beans, sliced into 3-inch pieces
  • 3 tomatoes, large dice
  • 2 cups wing beans, halved vertically
  • ¼ cup fish sauce
  • 1 lb roasted pork belly, cut into bite size chunks
  • 2 cups HUC Recipe-ready Pala‘ai, defrosted and diced large
  • Steamed rice as needed


  1. In a large pot, warm the oil and garlic together over medium heat, until the garlic is golden brown. Add the onion and ginger and sauté a couple of minutes until the onions are soft.
  2. Add the long squash, eggplant, long beans, tomatoes, wing beans and pork, reduce heat to medium-low and cook covered for 45 minutes untouched.
  3. Season the vegetables and pork with fish sauce, add the pala‘ai, give one stir, cover and steam another 5 minutes until squash is warmed through.
  4. Serve with steamed rice and add more fish sauce if needed.
  5. Cook five more minutes and turn off the heat. Let cool and sprinkle with toasted nuts.
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