SNAP-EBT Members Receive 50% Off!
Subscriptions paid with SNAP-EBT receive an automatic 50% discount from our DA BUX Double Up Food Bucks program. Due to federal funding restrictions of the DA BUX program, we designate which weeks of each monthly subscription cycle are paid in-full with SNAP-EBT and which weeks are covered by the DA BUX discount and are considered free bags. Federal regulation does not allow refunds for free bags covered by the DA BUX discount.
Weekly Subscription
Week 1: Paid with SNAP-EBT
Week 2: Paid with SNAP-EBT
Week 3: Free
Week 4: Free
Bi-monthly Subscription
Week 1: (No Pick-up)
Week 2: Paid with SNAP-EBT
Week 3: (No Pick-up)
Week 4: Free
How do I pay with SNAP-EBT?
SNAP-EBT payments MUST be processed in person at your pick-up site once a month. Please check our DA BOX Program Calendar to view the SNAP-EBT payment collection week for each monthly subscription cycle. Phone payments are NOT acceptable per USDA regulation.
Timely payments during payment collection week is critical to minimizing operational costs and to keeping our CSA subscription rates as low as possible. Missed payment will result in automatic suspension of the member's account.
2025 DA BOX Program Calendar

Manage Your Benefits
Fresh EBT is now Providers. Providers is the only app where you can manage EBT and debit transactions side-by-side, including paychecks, food stamps, unemployment, and disability benefits. Whatever gets your family through the month, Providers helps you make the most of it.
ebtEDGE is another free app that offers you direct access to your EBT transaction history. It is a powerful tool to plan your food budget throughout the year and to track your remaining EBT balance for the month.