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Lettuce Wrap

Lettuce Wrap


Lentil Filling:
  • 1 cup dry lentils (we recommend beluga or french lentils because they are delicious, but any variety will do. A great place to purchase lentils in bulk is Kea’au Natural Foods)
  • 3-4 cups vegetable broth, start with 3 cups and add more water if necessary. You don’t want the ‘stew’ to get too soupy
  • 2 tbsp olive oil or Virgin Coconut Oil
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 4 garlic cloves, chopped
  • 1 celery stalk, chopped (optional)
  • 2 large carrots, chopped
  • 2 medium russet potatoes, cut into cubes
  • 2 tsp smoked paprika
  • 1/2 tsp salt


  1. Place chopped onion in pan with Virgin Coconut Oil or oil of your choice
  2. Sautee for a few minutes until onions become fragrant
  3. Add garlic, celery, and carrots and sautee for a few more minutes
  4. Add the rinsed lentils, vegetable stock, and remaining spices and bring to a boil.
  5. Simmer on low for about 30-45 minutes, until the lentils are done
  6. After lentils cool, place on top of Puna Greens lettuce and fold the lettuce leaves over each other.
  7. Serve glazed Ali’i Mushrooms on the side (see photo above and recipe on the right)
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