Meet Your Producers: Johnald and Family, S. Andres Hydroponics
S. Andres Hydroponics is a family-owned company founded in 2006. The owners Johnald and Sheril and their children began farming hydroponically over 10 years ago. It all began when Johnald was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease (CKD). The family began to think of how to grow their own vegetables, so they knew what they were consuming and where it came from. After researching about hydroponics and trying to refine techniques, they developed a production method which allowed them to share with the community.
The farm is supplied with water via a private well. The hydopronic tables require 5000 gallons for 100 tables. The water for the green onions hydroponic tables have to be changed less frequently than the watercress tables, a much more sensitive crop. Growing hydroponically is 80% faster than growing in soil.
S. Andres Hydroponics have sold to KTA and Oahu and currently sell to various Foodlands on the Big Island, Hilo Fis, Farmers Markets and the DA BOX CSA.
Gordon, Sam and Johnald inside one of the many greenhouses.
A look below the table offers a view of the root system of the hydroponically grown produce.
Young watercress