Meet Your Producers: Dam Fine Farm
Five years ago, Kristen and Jay Adair started Dam Fine Farms to spend more time with family and grow their own food.
After Kristen’s dad fell ill with rat lung worm, she felt compelled to grow her own veggies with meticulous attention to safety. Dam Fine Farms treats their property heavily for slugs and grows all produce in beds that are raised significantly, so that produce is never affected by the spray they apply to the ground.
While the farm is not certified organic, all sprays used at Dam Fine Farms are National Organic Program compliant and OMRI certified. They inspect their produce as they harvest and wash and they encourage their customers to carefully wash their produce at home. They want to provide their community with the healthiest, most nutritious produce they can and are willing to go the extra mile to do so.
For years, Kristen was the full-time farmer in the family and the force that got Dam Fine up and running. At the beginning of the pandemic Jay joined her full time and their operation is growing steadily.
Dam Fine Farms grows herbs, greens, cucumbers, and heirloom tomatoes – we are so excited to have them on board as a vendor!