Ancient Valley Growers
Andrea and Matt of Ancient Valley Growers
Andrea, Kawelo, Ua, Gordon and Matt
Matt and Andrea Drayer with Ancient Valley Growers are the managers and producers of Wood Valley Ranch and mamaki Tea Farm in Pahala, HI. In addition to farming mamaki, they also grow a variety of other vegetables including delicious rainbow carrots, which were included several times in the DA BOX produce bag.
Matt is the president of Hawaii Farmers Union United. His goals is to inspire the farmers in Ka'u to seek more sustainable ways and to minimize the use of imported goods like fertilizers.
The mamaki produced by Wood Valley Ranch is delivered to Shaka tea which creates naturally caffeine-free, herbal teas from the leaves.
Hawaiian Mamaki is known to support all organs and improve their functions like:
Balance hormones
Blood pressure
Sugar levels in diabetes
Improve digestion and metabolism
Ease symptoms of
Drying room at Wood Valley Ranch.