What the heck is kohlrabi?
If you have received a green, knobby, odd, shaped thing in your DA BOX this week, you have received kohlrabi. It is a fantastically versatile vegetable with a taste and texture somewhere between cabbage and broccoli stems. Always peel off the tough outermost layer of the bulb with a vegetable peeler first. Here are a few ideas:
Enjoy raw. You can toss them in a salad, make a slaw out of grated kohlrabi, or eat them on their own with a drizzle of good olive oil and a sprinkling of sea salt.
Puréed into soup. Kohlrabi can also be added to recipes for cream of potato, cream of broccoli, and even cream of mushroom soup!
Made into fritters. This is a great way to get kids to eat their kohlrabi! Shred it and mix with an egg and a few tablespoons of flour or breadcrumbs. Heat oil or butter in a flat skillet, drop on small mounds, and flatten slightly with the back of your spatula. Turn after a few minutes and serve when both sides are crispy.
For more ideas check out this website:
10 Tasty Ways to Prepare Kohlrabi
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