September is Hawaiian History Month
In celebration of the 183rd anniversary of Queen Lili’uokalani’s birthday on September 2nd, this month is now recognized as Hawaiian History Month. We thought this would be a great time to start including more taro (root and leaves) in DA BOX. We have had a few farmers approach us recently wanting to sell us small batches of taro corm and taro leaf to the CSA. We are super excited to welcome them to the team and feature this important canoe crop as a mystery item on a regular basis. Please let us know what you think - have you received taro root or leaf as a mystery item yet? Did you like them, or do you need more ideas on how to use them? Share with us what you have made with your taro on Instagram #canoecropcooking. We have included recipes for poi and luau stew on the backside of this newsletter.
Dr, Keanu Sai discusses the history of the 1893 Executive Agreements between the Kingdom of Hawaii and the United States of America, and the profound impacts today.
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